The Inside Scoop… #2

Inside ScoopDid you know each character I write has a specific birthday and I use characteristics of their Sun sign to create them? Indeed, I do. Certainly, there’s more to an individual than their Sun sign as their Rising sign and their Moon sign also greatly influence their personalities; however, when it comes to me understanding them in order for me to write authentic characters, I use the Sun sign as a base. I also take their sign into consideration as I’m having my characters interact with one another. True story. I am a strong believer in the power of “As above, so below.” Essentially, the stars and planets above us reflect who we are below, or vice versa—or both. In my opinion, it makes a stronger character and helps me keep a character within their construct.

P.S. I also already know when everyone expires. That’s certainly subject to change, but as a writer, if I don’t know where I’m going, I won’t know what road to take or when I get there.

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