Nom de Plume… Done Done Done DONE!

My latest project, Nom de Plume—An Extraordinary Life—Volume 1, is finished! Tada! Now, all that’s left to do is to prepare the package for the public. It’s about this time in the process when I begin yearning for the seemingly endless days and nights of writing.

NDP CoverBecause… the writing part? That’s easy—the part I love.

Speaking of the writing part…

This book, Nom de Plume, was a departure of sorts for me, but as difficult as it was to write (it took forever!), I loved every minute of it. I do love a writing challenge. I also had other challenges that slowed down my process—working three jobs until the end of 2019; then, personally dealing with and surviving the C19 Plague in January, followed directly by an accident that had me grounded and high-as-a-kite (I only mention it because it’s difficult to think or write coherently in that state) for six weeks, followed by the big lockdown. Yeah, yeah, you’d think all that “free” time would be a perfect time to write, but sadly, no, it wasn’t.

Writers rely on our brains and emotions to create our stories, but when the world around us is going mad, and your income comes to a screeching halt, and you haven’t any idea what’s coming next… well, suffice it to say, those are not the best conditions for creativity. Not for me, anyway. Those are conditions ripe for paralyzation.

Thankfully, I somehow managed in all the chaos to suck it up, and essentially get over myself in order to finish Nom de Plume. Believe it or not, my characters in Nom de Plume actually inspired me, because compared to some of them, my personal hardships were a cakewalk. My point? Take inspiration in whatever form it comes… and RUN with it!

Release the Book!

We’re looking at a mid-November release for Nom de Plume. There’s been talk of releasing the paperback first, and the ebook on 1 January 2021. We’ll see how things shake out the closer we get to November. Magnhild Press will likely have presales available, so stay tuned.

New to Djuna Shellam’s work? No problem. Start HERE to enter the world of Djuna. From there you can find reviews and excerpts. Nom de Plume will be up and available for preview soon.


I’ll be moving my social stuff from Facebook to a couple of new sites in the next little while. MeWe currently slated as my new social home. Meanwhile, you can check out my Patreon site for some interesting tidbits you might not find anywhere else.

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