Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 2

Welcome to Episode 2: “Did This Happen To You?”

Djuna Shellam The Write OWL

Djuna, here. Episode 2 is where I address the million times I’ve been asked by friends and acquaintances who have read my books whether these are my personal stories. You know, did all this stuff in my novels happen to me?

I’ve done my best to answer the question in my video, and believe me, it sometimes feels like a million times I’ve been asked that question in some form or another. I’m not insulted by the question, but it does make me laugh. I mean, from my perspective, I like to think what’s happening is that I’m such a tremendously amazing writer that my stories are so incredibly believable people think I’m simply telling of my own experiences. Right? Hey, I’d rather entertain my version than consider the possibility they think I’m just a hack who can’t write anything but true stories from my own personal experiences. Yikes.


I was a little reticent in the beginning of this video blog/vlog venture, but I must say, it’s becoming rather fun. I still am not happy about who I see in the video, but I expect that’s just human nature, unless you’re a complete and utter narcissist, which I am not (much, anyway). I’m sure at least some of you know what I mean. In your head, you’re sixteen, and in the mirror… the numbers somehow switch. Maddening, I tell you!

So here’s Episode 2. Enjoy! And stay tuned for Episode 3, scheduled for sometime mid-week. Ta!

If you’ve a mind to, please mosey on over to where my ebooks are exclusively offered. You’ll see at the end of the video how to find them if you haven’t already, but just in case, I’ll include a link for you HERE.

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