Live to Shine Episode 48

Live to Shine Episode 48

live to shine

Among other random topics that include the importance of the first and last chapters in a book, the weather and such, in Live to Shine Episode 48, I talk about how in life, there are people (snakes) who can’t stand to see others shine. I’ve certainly met some snakes in my life—how about you?

A snake began to chase a firefly that only lived to shine. The firefly stopped and said to the snake:
“Can I ask you three questions?”
The snake said, “Yes.”
– Do I belong to your food chain ?
The snake said, “No.”
Did I do anything to you?
The snake said, “No.”
Then why you wanna devour me?
The snake replied, “Cause I can’t stand to see you shine.

Moral of the story…
Often, some people can’t stand to see you shine, and that’s why they act like snakes, silent and ready to destroy you!

For me, I have to admit I have my ‘live to shine’ moments. When I write, I want to shine. When I perform or write music, I want to shine. In fact, in most endeavors, I do live to shine. The thing is, I don’t think I’m out of the ordinary. I think most people want to shine. Do they live to shine? Hard to say, but right now, I think there are those who cannot stand people thinking for themselves or thinking outside of THE mandatory box. That goes for just about everything these days. I want to say—SHINE! Don’t let anyone steal your shine, rain on your parade, or do “something” in your shoe.


That said, in this week’s episode, I also talk about my WIP and am excited to report that I have two chapters (my final chapter and my epilogue) to write before I can say my first draft is completed. I’m so excited, but as I mention in my podcast, this is perhaps the hardest of the writing part of the process.

I also talk about the weather, ‘natch, and how glorious the current weather is, though this weekend we’re in for rain and snow. No worries. This time of the year we know we’re not in for another several months of it. Happy days!

This week, in addition to posting the video of my podcast on BitChute and Rumble, I’ll also post on Odysee. Why not? I had a good week of listens and views, all thanks to YOU! So, yes, thank you all!

Again, Amazon has a few of my books deeply discounted. I’m not sure why, but it’s surely an opportune time to get them at practically below wholesale. If you want to read excerpts before you buy, you can go HERE.


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Thanks again for being YOU!

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