First Draft — Now What? Episode 49

First Draft — Now What? Episode 49

First Draft

In this Episode 49 of The Djuna Shellam Podcast First Draft — Now What? I talk about various topics in regard to finishing the first draft of my WIP (work in progress) A Woman Like Eve — Book 5 — The Em Suite.

It’s been a long process, longer than I planned, but… life got in the way. No matter, the first draft, which, to me is always monumental in the novel-writing process, is complete. The next question is… Now what?

Now What?

The next step is, frankly, a bit anti-climatic in that I generally step away from the manuscript for… an undetermined amount of time. I never know. It could be a week or a month, or more. I need time to think about what I’ve written. Meanwhile, I remember other things I wanted to include, but forgot; or, things I didn’t think of before will come to me that I need to add.

Then, I’ll read the manuscript on the computer or my iPad. If I find some egregious error, I’ll fix it. If I find something that needs to be added, I’ll do so, but this is mostly just a read-through so I can get a sense of how the book flows as is. I’ll make notes along the way.

After that, I’ll go through my notes and I’ll write/rewrite certain parts, move certain scenes, cut scenes (my least favorite part), and such. Then, I’ll read through it again. At some point, I’ll print the entire manuscript out, double-spaced. I find the majority of typos that way. Of course, after I go through the hard copy, I’ll go back to the computer and make my changes.

Obviously, there’s more to what happens after completing a first draft, and I talk about some of that in my podcast.

Other Stuff

I also cover the weather that last week turned on us like a rabid dog. Ugh. SO COLD. But, things seem to be warming up again. Let’s hope this isn’t yet another cruel head fake.

I’m running waaaaay behind this week, which is why 1) I’m late in posting Episode 49—many apologies, and 2) the video is not up yet. Look for links later today (Saturday 26 Feb 22), or Sunday morning.



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Please check back later.




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