Even More Random Thoughts Episode 46 The Djuna Shellam Podcast

Even More Random Thoughts Episode 46

more random thoughts

In this week’s Episode 46 Even More Random Thoughts I talk about the weather (you knew that was coming), what is art, what making a podcast entails, my WIP, and yes, random stuff.

I begin the podcasts by mentioning my author friend, Barry F. SchnellAuthor Extraordinaire, who is always good for a few belly laughs, and is someone whose books should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet. Need a laugh? Got the blues? Need a pick me up? Grab a dose of a Barry F. Schnell masterpiece for whatever ails you. (Barry, you know where to send the check…)

Producing A Podcast

So, yes, a podcast is, for me, anyway, a time-consuming endeavor. One I gladly take on, but I want to shatter any misconception that producing a podcaster, particularly as a one-woman band, is a breeze. Sure, there are aspects of it that are effortless, but it takes time, organization, a certain set of skills, and a strong desire to do it. I go through the numerous steps in Episode 46.

What is Art?

I also talk about art and making art for art’s sake versus making art as commerce. There are many artists who have managed to make their art, their way, and make a sustainable living in the process. How they do it and maintain their love of the art is somewhat of a mystery, but my hat is off to them. Actually, I’m not much of a hat person, but if I were, it would be off. I’ve done both, but found myself, little by little, worrying about what my customers might want more than what I wanted. But, if I make something they want that doesn’t make my heart sing, why go through the trouble? Why not just work for someone else? It’s an age-old question.


My WIP, A Woman Like Eve-Book 5-The Em Suite is coming along quite nicely. I managed to log nearly 6000 words this week. I have about 5 more scenes/chapters to write before my first draft is complete. Then, what I consider the hard, but necessary parts of the process. Still, I’m getting excited about the prospect of someday soon holding a copy of my latest book in my hands.





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