Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 1

Welcome to Episode 1: “Character Development”

Djuna Shellam The Write OWL

Hello, it’s Djuna.

Welcome to Djuna Shellam The Write OWL video blog series, Episode 1—Character Development. Of course you know this is about developing fictional characters and not about developing your own personal character, right? Just wanted to make sure you realized what we’re doing here. [Insert smiley face right about here]

I’m a little nervous about the whole video thing—for a lot of reasons, but I just find it uncomfortable to see myself on video. It’s certainly not the me I see in my head. I also have chosen not to work with a script which has its plusses and minuses. Yeah, you’ll see what I mean. Thank goodness for editing, yeah? Anyway, I find that oftentimes my mind, or my thought process, goes a lot faster than I can speak or keep up. Ah well, part of why I’m a writer I suppose, and not necessarily a talker. Not to say I don’t enjoy having a good long chat, because I do, but you don’t think about every little word or how you look when you’re just gabbing with a friend. Well, not most of the time, anyway.

Well, have a look and see what you think. I encourage you to leave a comment if you happen to end up on the Youtube page. I’m not sure how a lot of this works. You must know that sometimes I long for the days of simplicity, such as the typewriter. Ah, there’s a topic for another video, I think.

Please don’t forget to visit my Djuna Shellam Author Page on Facebook and “Like” it. You never know what gem you’ll miss if you don’t.

I hope you enjoy this inaugural video of The Write OWL, about how I go about character development, and know that there are so many more to come. Please feel free to share, too. After all, sharing IS caring. Ta!


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