Reading Alice Hollywood Podcast Episode 29

Reading Alice Hollywood Podcast Episode 29

Alice Hollywood eBook

This week I give a reading of Alice Hollywood, aka The Incredible Transformations of Alice Hollywood. This is my first novel and Book One of The Em Suite Series. I’ll also add, this is NOT a professional reading. Just little old me, reading you a story.

Despite my current situation (packing/moving), I decided to continue podcasting through the process for as long as I’m able. In order to simplify the process for me while still providing hopefully interesting and/or helpful info for my listeners, I will offer a reading from each book of my series in the following weeks.

As I mentioned, this book is my first and took me a long, long time to write. Even though the book and its title indicate the star in this story is Alice, it’s really where Em’s story of her extended family begins. In each subsequent book, the stories may be about other women, but Em is always at the core. And, thus, the series is called The Em Suite.

In this book, Colonel Dot Baverstock makes her first appearance and is where many readers have fallen in love with her character.

My reading of Alice Hollywood is from Chapter 3 called Off Duty. I didn’t want to begin at the Prologue for reasons that become obvious upon reading it. Nor did I want to begin with chapters 2 or 3 for several reasons. Strong Language Alert: My characters in this book swear a LOT.

Alice Hollywood

Approximately the first third of Alice Hollywood is what I like to refer to as a slow burn. I meant it to be this way. I didn’t want to rush what may or may not come of Alice and Em’s friendship. No. I wanted it to gain momentum and excitement as the book continues to the end. Some readers want to jump right into “the good stuff,” but I generally write what I enjoy reading. Not coincidentally, I happen to enjoy slow burns. I also drop a lot of bread crumbs along the way to prepare the reader for later reveals. Chapter 3, I think, gives potential readers a feel for my writing style and a hint of what may come without giving anything away.

You can also go to My Books page where each of my books includes an excerpt.

You can listen to this week’s podcast episode using the streaming platform below. Or, you can go HERE for a list of other players.

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