When Is Old? When Is Too Old To Write? Podcast Episode 27

When Is Old? When Is Too Old To Write?

When Is Old?

When is old is a question I’ve asked myself probably a million gajillion times in my life. As a little kid, I defined old as my parents and really old as my aunts, uncles, and grandmothers. But as I’ve aged and old keeps getting closer to me, I keep moving the goalposts. Now, as I stand on the ledge of unofficial retirement age, I find myself once again shoving those goalposts away from me—somewhat desperately, I might add. I also ponder quite a lot when is too old? And, is there such a thing?

This is the general subject of my latest podcast episode of The Djuna Shellam Podcast (Episode 27).

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When is old is a subjective and also relative question. I think so, anyway. The answer mostly depends on the individual. What is the spectrum of old? One person might consider 40 to be old, another, 100. A 5-year-old would likely consider a teenager old. Old, then is relative.

When Is Too Old?

But, the answer to the question of when is too old depends on what we’re talking about. Can you be too old to join the military? Yes. Join Little League? Yes. Become a doctor? Perhaps. Compete in the Olympics? I suppose it depends upon the event.

Is there such a thing as being too old to become a writer? NO. Well, unless of course along with the “old” age comes some type of infirmity or disability that prevents one’s ability to write coherently.

Generally speaking, it’s my opinion you’re only too old to write when you’re no longer able to sharpen your pencils. Actually, I stole that from someplace but I don’t remember from where.

You’re Not Old Until You’re Ninety

Rebecca Latimer wrote a wonderful book called “You’re Not Old Until You’re Ninety… Best To Be Prepared, However.” She actually turned 90 while writing it. My mother bought it when she was entering her 70s and after reading it, gave it to me to read. I think she hoped I would gain some wisdom for my future.

It is my belief as a writer that the older you get, the more interesting you are and the more you have to write about. Not to say younger people who yearn to be writers should wait until they’re old to begin writing. Heavens no! I say there’s no time like the present to begin writing, and also to keep writing until you have nothing more to say (or can no longer say).

Agatha Christie’s final novel, Postern of Fate, was published when she was 82. She died three years later. She might have written until her final day, but in 2009 it was suggested she’d been afflicted with dementia and was likely unable to say whatever she had left to say.

I have no intention whatsoever of quitting writing, certainly not because of my age. In fact, I plan to write even more. I’d love to be remembered as that author who wrote 40 books after 40, but I’ll be satisfied with being remembered as that author who wrote until she died (as long as that last part is a long, long, long time from now).

What do you consider old? Do you think you’re too old to become a writer or continue as a writer? I’d love to know what you think about this inevitability called aging.

Thanks for reading and listening!

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