S’Long Anne Rice & Other Topics Episode 41

S’Long Anne Rice & Other Topics Episode 41

In this week’s The Djuna Shellam Podcast S’Long Anne Rice & Other Topics Episode 41, I bid adieu to an author who I’ve long thought of as one of my important mentors. I don’t think I’d be the author I am today had I never bought The Witching Hour.

The Teacher

Did I know her or ever meet her? Did I ever take a class from her? No and no. She taught me through her writing. I haven’t read all of her works; in fact, I’ve only read The Mayfair Witches series and Servant of the Bones. It was all I needed.

I don’t know that I could ever come close to being the writer Anne Rice was, but her work wanted me to try and be the best I could be. I’m still trying. With each book I write, I strive to make it better than the previous books.

Anne Rice had an incredible mind and the ability to create worlds that don’t exist (or do they?). She made me and perhaps millions of others believe there might be, or… probably are… Mayfair Witches and vampires. Whatever she wrote, she made it seem real.


I’m sad she died so young (80) and wish she had gone on writing until a hundred or more. I think she could have were it not for an untimely stroke. Actually, are strokes ever timely? I cannot think of one instance where they have been. Nonetheless… Rest in peace, brilliant teacher. You will be missed.

Sextortion Is A Thing

I also take on so-called sextortion emails where so-called hackers claim to have dirt on you and will share naughty videos with your entire address book. Don’t fall for it, even if they’ve managed to convince you they have the goods. The vast majority of the time they don’t. Delete and move on. More than anything, NEVER click on links in emails from anyone you don’t know or that are shortened. This is one way they get you.


Weather, anyone? A nice snowstorm yesterday left us frozen and down into the mid-teens temp-wise. Yeesh! More snow Saturday, but then a bit of a warming trend to get us back into the low-30s. Good times.

Swearing. Cussing. Cursing.

This week’s podcast is just chockful of varied topics, one of which is swearing and character creation. Speech is an excellent way to create interesting characters, curse words being a type of speech. If, however, you make everyone “swear like a sailor,” (no offense to sailors) and the same way, then your characters and story will quickly become uninteresting; and, quite possibly, offensive.

What’s Under Your Tree?

This, being the final weekend before Yule and Christmas, if you haven’t found the perfect gift for that certain someone, or you still have prezzies to buy, why not give the gift of a Djuna Shellam book (or two, or several)? Follow this link HERE for Kindle books or paperbacks; or, this link HERE for ePub format.

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Remember, if you enjoyed the podcast, please like, share and follow. When you do so, it really helps the podcast grow. Thank you for your time and your interest. I truly appreciate YOU!


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