Season Finale Episode 50

Season Finale — Episode 50

Season FinaleIt’s mind-boggling to me that it’s already been a little over a year since the first episode of The Djuna Shellam Podcast; but, here we are at the season finale.

I’ve decided to take a two-month hiatus between Season 1 and Season 2. I’ll be back with new episodes beginning May 7th (if all goes as planned).

I’ve been thinking about taking a break from producing the podcast for a while now, and it seemed a good place to do it at Episode 50. Spreaker has also just added a “season” feature, which worked out perfectly.

There are a few reasons for taking a break. Part of me hates the idea, because I love doing it, but another part wants to retool the show. It would be difficult to do while continuing the show the current way.

I also want to complete A Woman Like Eve—the editing and all the other stuff I need to do to get it published. It’s only little old me doing everything, so… rather than doing a marginal job, I opted to take a break.

In the season finale, I talk about another aspect of character building and foreshadowing. As I explain in Episode 50, I think of foreshadowing as dropping breadcrumbs. If you do it right, your reader won’t get tipped off as to what you’re foreshadowing, but when it’s revealed, they’ll shout, “I knew it!” I enjoy it. It’s fun and challenging to drop bread crumbs in such a way as to add to the mystery without giving it away.

As for character building… All of my characters are composites of two, three, or more people I know, knew at one time, or met at some point in my life. Creating characters from nothing is one of my favorite challenges as a writer.

Even though all episodes are available, I plan on reissuing various episodes from Season 1 throughout my hiatus. Ones that I believe deserve a second helping.

The video will be uploaded sometime this weekend. In the meantime, here is the Spreaker podcast streamer.


[spreaker type=player resource=”episode_id=48958897″ width=”100%” height=”350px” theme=”dark” playlist=”show” playlist-continuous=”false” chapters-image=”true” episode-image-position=”right” hide-logo=”false” hide-likes=”false” hide-comments=”false” hide-sharing=”false” hide-download=”false”]





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