I Hate Halloween & Why Details Matter — Episode 34

I Hate Halloween & Why Details Matter — Episode 34

I hate halloween

It’s true. I hate Halloween. This week, after a two-week hiatus, I’m coming back on Halloween Saturday. This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday as it did in 1965. In this week’s podcast, I mentioned the occurrence but wasn’t sure of the year. It was 1965—just prior to my 9th birthday. Horrible. I actually went Trick or Treating—or as I like to say “begging” twice that year. Humiliation. The news announced Halloween would be on Saturday, but Saturday night it became clear just how many people didn’t get the news. UGH.

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I went into more detail in the podcast why I hate Halloween, but only because my comeback episode happens to fall on Halloween weekend.

In fact, the episode is more about 1) why I was away and why I couldn’t produce podcasts for two weeks, but also, for the writers, 2) my take on why details matter.

So… why was I away? I was in the middle of a horrendous move. Completely my choice, so there’s that. I had a deadline of when I had to be out of the house I sold, and between the massive amount of crap I own and my messed up back, I barely made it on time. In fact, don’t tell anyone, but I was a couple of hours past the deadline. Meh. It worked out.

I’m now in the recuperation stage. I’m settling into my vintage motorhome, which I love, and preparing for the winter. I have big plans for the spring and summer. If all goes to plan, that is. Based on this entire life-changing experience, I feel confident it will.

As far as writing is concerned, in this week’s podcast, I talk about how important details are in your writing. I know I’m guilty of initially forgetting that my readers don’t have the luxury of seeing what I see in my head. Thankfully, I realize that and include the vital details that pull them into my make-believe world before I publish my books.

I’m a little thrilled to get back to podcasting, even though my body is still in the healing stages. Yes, moving is hard. Mentally and physically hard. Amazingly enough, for this sentimental homebody, I don’t feel as traumatized as I thought I might about storing nearly all of my worldly goods for who knows how long. My body? That’s another story altogether. May I just say, OUCH?

Have a listen to this week’s podcast for more details. Next week? I’ll be back, but I’m still mulling over the topic. Only the shadow knows…

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