Back In The Saddle Again — Episode 36

Back in the Saddle Again — Episode 36

back in the saddle

In this week’s episode of The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 36, I rejoice about being back in the saddle again. What does that mean? I began writing once again on my WIP, A Woman Like Eve—The Em Suite Series—Book Five. So exciting!

I also describe a bit of my writing process. For the non-writer, it may not be that interesting, unless you’re in that category of reader who loves inside baseball stuff. If you’re a writer, published or otherwise, perhaps my process may help you fine-tune your own. I know I’ve learned a lot from learning about how other writers approach their craft.


A good portion of the podcast includes how I use the writing program Scrivener—by Literature & Latte—which I love. I’ve mentioned it before in earlier podcasts, but I can’t help talking about it, because it truly changed how I write. More importantly, it is the sole reason I’ve been able to write, finish and publish five novels. Seriously. It helps me stay organized and focused.

Also, because Scrivener was designed by writers for writers, it encourages creativity in a way that other writers understand. In addition, staying organized in writing is paramount if you want to write coherently. At least, that’s true for me. Scrivener is the epitome of organization. You can be as organized as you’d like. Just so you, know, I get nothing out of promoting Scrivener. I do so only because I love the program so much and want to help others find the same writing bliss as I have.

Scrivener: Rewrite, reorder, rejoice.

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I mention in this week’s podcast that I wrote my first book using MS Word and then Apple Pages. True. Both are excellent writing programs for many types of writing, but they were an organizational nightmare for novels. What I failed to mention in the recording is that as soon as I began using Scrivener, I enthusiastically moved my manuscript from Pages into Scrivener, et Voila!  I was able to seamlessly organize the work as I wasn’t able to in Pages (or Word prior to that). My next novels, in comparison, were a breeze.

The other thing I love about Scrivener is the wonderful support groups comprised of active Scrivener users on Facebook. The members are quite knowledgeable and are keen to jump in and help other writers with their questions.

And So…

Another episode is in the books. I thank everyone who listens for taking the time to do so. I also want to thank those kind fans who are gracious enough to help support my work. Every little bit helps in curtailing my operating costs. If you haven’t yet done so, please “Like” the episode on whatever listening app you’re using. Comments are always welcome as well.


For some unknown reason, Amazon has decided to put my paperback version of Nom de Plume on sale for about 50% off. I don’t know for how long, but if you have readers on your gift list, this might be the opportunity to pick it up for half price. Don’t worry, it seems I will still get my regular royalty as it is Amazon who has lowered the price. Win-win!

Have a great week and thanks for visiting!

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