Writing A Series—Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 16

Writing A Series

Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 16

The Em SuiteWriting a series is my topic for this Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 16. As a reader first, I love the series. When I watch a movie, if I’m completely engrossed in it, I’m saddened at the end because I want more. The same, of course, is true for a good novel. I just don’t want it to end. Well, as a writer, I get to do what I want, and I want the story to go on and on and on.

The Em Suite did not start off as a series as I explain in the video, but I’m so thrilled it became one. There is a downside to writing a series, for me, anyway. I find that while I’m writing, my brain is so many stories ahead, working out logistics and plots—it can be a bit distracting for an impatient person such as myself.

There are many other stories I have on the flightline, waiting their turn to fly, but right now, it’s difficult for me to think of straying from The Em Suite. I’d almost feel as if I was a big fat cheater if I did.

As I mention in my video, there are aspects about writing a series that make writing easier. For instance, you already know the backstories for most of your characters, you know them best—inside and out, you don’t have to work as hard to figure out how they might respond in a given situation or to another person. The difficult part is making sure you have continuity between books. The fact is, I’m not a patient person, but writing a series is forcing me to be, and the biggest reason why is continuity.

I’ve found if I rush myself, I overlook or completely forget about certain elements in the current story that would be completely out of character or out of place. If I let myself wait and ponder about the story, sure enough, I’ll find myself sitting up in bed, from a deep sleep, realizing that my character can’t do that then because she was someplace else in another book! Or something to that effect.

But I’m enjoying writing a series, and I hope my readers are enjoying it as well! Speaking of The Em Suite series, you can find all three current ebooks exclusively at Amazon.com. Just click HERE.

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