Writer’s Block & Other Stuff — Season 2 Episode 11

Writer’s Block & Other Stuff — Season 2 Episode 11

Writer's BlockIn this week’s podcast episode, I talk about writer’s block & other stuff. What’s the other stuff? Y’know, just… stuff.

Stuff like… the weather (which has been a teensy bit wild), why I don’t hate all advertising, and some of my favorite writing tools. But, the main topic of the week is writer’s block.

Writer’s Block

What is this thing called writer’s block? Well, after some research, it seems there are myriad definitions for it. Some are absolutely ridiculous, and others are just plain common sense. There are also a ton of remedies for the so-called affliction.

Here’s a good article on the subject. Check it out HERE.

Personally, I don’t get it—at least that’s what I thought. No, I don’t mean that I don’t understand it, but that I don’t experience not having anything to write. Now, after digging around a little, I suspect there are some who would identify things like me taking a break from my writing, not feeling like writing, or life getting in the way as forms of writer’s block. In that case, would a lousy cold that prevents me from writing be considered writer’s block? Hmmm…? How about a safari? How about… well, I could go on, but I think you get the idea. It’s almost as if people are trying to call EVERYTHING writer’s block. Reminds me of something else…

Writing Is Joy

When I think of not being able to write anything, I think of sitting in front of the computer with a deadline of some sort looming in front of me and having nothing to write. Absolutely nothing. Right? Seems obvious. Isn’t that what we’ve been led to believe? Well, it’s what I believe it is; and, as I mentioned, I just don’t experience that. I do think it’s a mindset I’ve adopted. Writing is about joy and if it’s not joyful, then it’s work. Once writing becomes work? Tsk tsk. Not good, and I’m out.

To find out what my favorite writing tools are and other stuff, give this week’s podcast episode a listen. For a link list of other podcast streamers, go HERE.


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