Varied Topics About Writing Season 2 Episode 3

Varied Topics About Writing Season 2 Episode 3

About Writing

In this week’s podcast episode, Varied Topics About Writing, I talk about a few different topics. All week I was thinking about talking about writing what you know because a friend asked me if I do that when I write. I thought, “Perfect! A topic for this week’s episode. For most of the week, I was thinking about the topic and what I have to say about it.

Having completely forgotten I’d already published an episode about writing what you know (Season 1 Episode 22), when it came time to record the episode I was momentarily stumped. It happens. And, I explain in the episode why it happens.

Even though I covered the topic previously, I decided I do have more to say about it. So, I revisited writing what you know and what that actually might mean.

I also talked about my recent work on my WIP and my progress. In particular, I address the importance of a timeline for continuity. It’s especially crucial when writing a series. The last thing you want to do to a reader is yank them out of the story because you mixed up your years or seasons. It’s like watching a movie where in one scene Betty has a sweater on, the next cut she doesn’t, and then the cut after that, she does. Now, instead of watching the movie, you’re looking for other mess-ups. You know I’m right. You don’t want to do the same to your readers by not paying attention to your timeline.

I also explain why adding depth in your writing, whether for characters or places is important. One important reason is that it helps to pull the reader into the story. Making them feel as if they’re right there in it.

I talk about other things as well, but you will have to listen to the podcast because… I don’t remember the details.


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I’ll be back next week with another fun-filled and action-packed episode!

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