Road Trip & Writing A Novel Episode 42

Road Trip & Writing A Novel Episode 42

Road Trip & Writing A Novel

Happy New Year!

This week’s Episode 42 of The Djuna Shellam Podcast revolves around the idea of writing a novel is a bit like taking a road trip. Perhaps I’m feeling confined due to winter weather, but I liked the idea of combining two of my favorite pastimes.


It’s a new year and with that comes the long list of resolutions. Make ’em, break ’em. Isn’t that the way it goes? This year I forgot to make a list and only recently made a cursory list I’ve already dismissed. My greatest hope for 2022 is that it’s not terrible. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.

Road Trip & Writing A Novel

If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?

On the other hand, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.

When writing a novel, to do it well and have it be a positive experience, you really have to prepare—much like taking a well-planned road trip. My personal opinion, of course.

Here are just a few necessities you’ll need on your novel writing trip:

You’ll need an idea (a story), and an outline for structure. I don’t make a typical outline, but it’s more of a scenes/chapters list I set up in Scrivener. That’s what keeps me organized and on track.

You’ll need a summary/synopsis (or a “What Happens” like I use), character description/bios, location descriptions, and an openness to unexpected roads and turns.

After It’s Done

When the novel is “done” it’s time for editing (I use ProWritingAid), determining the cover, the ISBN, and the interior design. And, then… the marketing. Yes, there’s a lot to writing a novel, but it’s worth it when it’s really done. Finished and published.

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