Own Your Own ISBN Epi 35

Own Your Own ISBN Epi 35

Your Own ISBNWhat is an ISBN and why should you, as a self-publishing author own your own ISBN? That is the main “about writing” topic of this week’s The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 35.

If you publish via Smashwords, or Amazon (KDP), BN, Draft2Digital, Xlibris, or a host of other printer/publishers, they will happily let you use one of their ISBNs “for free.”

As ISBNs are expensive (unless you buy them 100 at a time), it’s tempting to say “Yes! Give me a free ISBN!” Why not? You save about $100 and you don’t have to deal with it. Right?

Even today, self-publishing has a negative stigma attached to it. Why? I’m not sure, but it does. Too many people still equate self-publishing with vanity publishing. Vanity publishing is often associated with terrible, terrible writing that should never see the light of day, let alone a printing press or the public at large. Yes, there are still people who think unless a big house publishing company publishes your work, you’re not really legitimate or worthy of being called “author.” Sad, but true.

The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 35

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When you’ve worked your fingers to the bone writing your novel and make a conscious decision to NOT seek the approval of the traditional publishing industry, choosing instead to self-publish, you’re making a statement. Let me back up for a tick… When I’ve worked my fingers to the bone and choose to self-publish through my own publishing company, I’m making a statement. I’m saying I don’t need the approval of and requisite tinkering of my work by some other company.

If I decide to use the ISBN provided by the company I choose to print my book(s), I essentially tell the world they own me, and I’m only a step away from being vanity published. I know it’s not true, but many of the people I want to read/buy my work and take me seriously don’t know that. When I take the time (and money) to start my own publishing company and purchase my own ISBNs, I’m telling people *I* take myself seriously, and so should you.

Own Your Own ISBNs

Again, it’s just my opinion, but people’s perceptions about such things are ingrained and tough to erase. It’s up to us, we self-publishers to change their minds. It’s up to us to take control of our art and our work and demand to be taken seriously. We do that by putting our own money on the line and buying and assigning our own ISBNs to our own work. Own your own ISBN!

I purchase my ISBNs through Bowker where you’ll also find tons of pertinent information.

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