Writing Is Writing & Ted Lasso Epi 33

Writing Is Writing & Ted Lasso Epi 33

In this week’s The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 33, among random stuff and the weather, I talk about the television show Ted Lasso and how writing is writing.

writing is writingSpecifically, in creative writing, in my opinion, writing is writing. Are you creating a play? A novel, a short story, novella, or a screenplay? All writing.

One of my favorite things about watching films or television is paying attention to the script. Oh, don’t ask me silly details like who wrote it, because even if I look it up beyond waiting for the credits, I won’t remember. I have a healthy curiosity for things I don’t know, but what I lack is adequate memory storage that would make me so much more interesting and appear far more intelligent than I actually am.

Ted Lasso is this week’s episode focus because it’s what I’ve been watching. I wasn’t initially interested in the show AT ALL until friends emphatically insisted I watch it. After the first episode, I was hooked. Stone cold hooked. I’m a sucker for intelligent, witty, uproariously funny, and emotional stories. Oddly enough, I also enjoy soccer quite a lot. Add in a quirky cast you can’t help loving and a heaping dose of superb acting, and… well, I’m yours. Truly.

Episode 33

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When I watch Ted Lasso, I get a curious sense of fulfillment. It’s a strange feeling, but when I’m unable to produce words of my own in order to further my current WIP, whether it’s due to time constraints or whatever impediment, I begin feeling empty and a bit sad. Weird, right? Ted Lasso fills me right up to rim (“with Brim!” Remember that? Haha.). Have no fear—the show doesn’t make me complacent and destined to never pound words out again. On the contrary! I want my own storytelling to make people feel the way I do when confronted with excellence. Good writing always inspires me. Sadly, it’ll be another year now before Season 3, but you can trust I’ll likely watch the series again a few times prior to S3.

So, yeah… when you get right down to it, writing is writing. Sometimes I read, sometimes I watch, or listen to stories. It doesn’t matter how I get the story—the written story—as long as I get it.

If you’ve not seen TL before, I encourage you to do so. If you have and it wasn’t your cup of tea, then… I suggest a large mug of coffee—then try again!

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