Talking About Dot in the Weeds Podcast Episode 32

Talking About Dot in the Weeds Podcast Episode 32

Talking About Dot in the WeedsIn this week’s episode, I’ll be talking about Dot in the Weeds, my fourth novel, and Book 4 in The Em Suite Series.

I apologize for skipping last week’s episode because I was absolutely exhausted. I could barely muster up the strength to send out an email announcing my absence, let alone produce a podcast.

I’ll just say this: moving is exhausting.

That said, I’m still exhausted. Unreal. This week I made sure to give myself a little more breathing room on recording day. Doing that left me with enough energy for talking about Dot in the Weeds.


Dot in the Weeds (DITW) is one of my favorite books of The Em Suite (though I love them all, by the way). I like to think of it as the crown jewel of my writing endeavors, or at the very least of The Em Suite Series.

I discuss some insights to the writing of the book, though, if I’m being honest, I could talk about DITW ad nauseam, I love it so much. You could say the same for all of my books, but DITW is special to me. It’s a lengthy book, which is part of why I love it so much. I’m a reader first, and I appreciate a big, meaty book that sucks me out of this life into another. My goal when writing is to please me first. DITW pleases me very much.

In this episode, I give a short reading from the book’s Prologue. Unlike authors who do not understand how to properly write a prologue (in effect, ruining the rest of the story for the readers), I do. I urge my readers to NEVER skip reading a prologue, especially mine. I suppose I could just call my prologues Chapter 1 so readers won’t skip them, but I never will because they’re not chapters. No, they’re introductions to my stories. I’m truly sorry if some readers shy from prologues because of past bad experiences. If I can change one ruined reader’s mind, I’ll be happy forevermore.

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