Talking To Strangers Episode 26

Talking To Strangers

(Entalking to strangersgage Listen Learn—Part Two)

The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 26

In this week’s episode, Talking To Strangers, I revisit the topic of Episode 25 known as Engage, Listen, Learn—and I expound on it.

When I say I talk to strangers, I don’t limit my friendliness to humans. No, I’m willing to exchange pleasantries with random local wildlife.

Sometimes I’ll talk to the families of deer who inhabit my yard nearly every day and night; as well as, squirrels who live in the giant tree in my yard (though I’m not as friendly as I once was—something to do with digging up my garden). I’ve conversed with birds of all sorts—geese and other waterfowl, roadrunners… and, now added to my menagerie of wildlife strangers is a Bighorn Sheep (pictured).

Mr. Bighorn

Mr. Bighorn and I had quite a lovely conversation, albeit one-sided and so very brief, but lovely nonetheless. I talked while he listened intently. He was a splendid listener, by the way. He’s the kind of guy who makes talking to strangers seem easy. He never appeared distracted, kept constant eye contact with me, and, I’m quite certain he nodded in agreement at least once, perhaps even twice. Though I did feel as if he were judging me at one point. Why, I don’t know, though to be fair, I did interrupt his lunch. That was a bit rude, I’ll admit. Still, as you can see, he agreed to pose for a photograph.

My point of revisiting the concept of striking up conversations with strangers, human or otherwise, is to drive home what a useful tool talking to strangers is for writers. Think of the willingness to put yourself out there as a tool> The more you use it, the more skillful you become at using it.

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The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 26

In Episode 26, I give two examples of recent stranger encounters I had that occurred shortly after I posted Episode 25.

One thing I do want to point out is this: Use your common sense when approaching people you don’t know. I cannot emphasize this enough. It’s best done in busy, well-populated, and well-lit areas, where said stranger can’t easily follow you or harm you.

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