Write What You Know? What’s That Mean?

Write What You Know? What Does ‘Write What You Know’ Mean? In this week’s EPISODE (#22) of The Djuna Shellam Podcast, I share my experience and personal view of Write What You Know. I also explore what it really means. When I first explored creative writing in college, I was told by my instructor to […]

Write For Yourself — The Djuna Shellam Podcast Episode 21

Write For Yourself “Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.” — Cyril Connolly Yes! I couldn’t have said that any better myself. In my new podcast episode, Write For Yourself Episode 21, among other things, I address an interesting notion many marketers have. […]

Writing A Series 2021

Writing A Series 2021 Writing a series 2021 can be a daunting undertaking, making your extended writing project easier, and more difficult at the same time. I’ve labeled this blog post with the year 2021 because I do believe I’ve written about the topic in the past. I know for sure I’ve vlogged about it […]

The Djuna Shellam Podcast Audio Promotion #1

I’m Djuna Shellam, the host of The Djuna Shellam Podcast. I talk about writing, my own and others, the business of writing, and life. I like to say the podcast is about writing, and since writing is about life, then… my podcast is about life. There’s truly something for everyone. Visit my website djunashellam.com for access to all of my episodes, my books, my blog and and a list of podcast links.

Nom de Plume… Done Done Done DONE!

My latest project, Nom de Plume—An Extraordinary Life—Volume 1, is finished! Tada! Now, all that’s left to do is to prepare the package for the public. It’s about this time in the process when I begin yearning for the seemingly endless days and nights of writing. Because… the writing part? That’s easy—the part I love. […]

Published Novel Blues — What Comes After The Elation

It’s hard to believe my latest novel, Dot in the Weeds is finally published and out there for the world to discover. But, it is. And, now, right on the heels of the elation comes what can best be described as The Published Novel Blues. Yes. You know, for all the months (and sometimes years) it takes to produce a novel, and then… with literally, the push of a button, it’s sent off to be published, and, like that… the creative process is over.

Finding Story Ideas

Finding story ideas is the very first step of my writing. Now, I’ve been writing a series for many years, so for me, story ideas are always considered as to how they can be woven into my series. Sometimes, I’ll come up with an idea that I know won’t fit into the series and it will go onto the “after the series” pile of ideas.

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